Accent Walls can Enhance Your Rockford Room
Do you want to give your home a fresh and exciting look? With an accent wall, you don’t need to devote a lot of effort to obtain amazing results. If you hire high-quality interior painters, you can make any room in your home more beautiful and interesting.
The Benefits of Accent Walls
When you make one of the walls in a room stand out more, what effect does it have on your home?
Heightened Visual Interest
Accent walls are an antidote to dull repetition. They produce an interesting variation.
A straightforward way to create an accent wall is to paint it another color, something different than the color of the other walls in the room. With well-chosen color combinations, the contrast can make a room more vibrant. Also, because they easily catch the eye, accent walls can help you draw more attention to a lovely piece of furniture or work of art.
The Impression of an Updated Layout
Accent walls can help give the impression that you’ve changed the layout of an interior space. And you don’t need to go through the expense and effort of putting up walls or tearing them down.
Let’s consider open layouts as an example. You can use accent walls to help create well-defined areas within an open layout. For instance, an accent wall can highlight the space where you’ve set up your dining table. It becomes more distinct from the area where you’ve installed your media system or placed your piano.
Another point to consider is the effect of colors on the perceived size of a space. Certain combinations of color will make a space look larger and more lofty and airy. Other combinations will produce a sense of compactness or coziness. Just by changing the look of one wall, you can generate significant effects on perception.
A New Mood or Atmosphere
What kind of atmosphere do you want to create? By consulting with interior painters, you can find the right combination of colors for each interior space.
Some color combinations will produce a playful atmosphere and a light-hearted or relaxed mood. Others will help you create a formal or elegant look. There’s an enormous range of possibilities and multiple ways to achieve a certain visual effect.
Beauty and Enjoyment
Ultimately, you want to raise the value of your home and strengthen your ability to enjoy it. With professional work, accent walls will enhance the beauty of a room, reflect your personal style, and help make your home more enjoyable to live in.
You can also treat an accent wall as a chance to experiment with a new look. Because you aren’t diving into a larger painting project, you can feel free to try out a new style in a smaller space.
Interior Painters Help You Make the Best Decisions
Although creating an accent wall is a relatively short and budget-friendly project, the potential for error still exists. At Trusted Painters, we’re committed to our clients’ happiness at every stage of a project, including the decisions made at the start.
The following are key examples of the kinds of choices professional painters will help you with:
Color Combinations
You want to avoid paint colors that clash or produce other jarring and distracting effects. Sometimes, colors that look good together on paper may not work well for your home. For example, the curtains, furniture, and lighting in a room may make certain shades of color preferable to others.
Paint finishes vary in how much light they absorb or reflect. Should your accent wall have a matte finish, which doesn’t reflect much light? Or should you opt for a glossy finish, which will look more shiny?
Generally, accent walls should have more reflectivity. This quality will help them stand out more. However, your interior space, your personal style, and the atmosphere you’re trying to create may call for a different choice.
The Right Wall
Some walls are more suitable as accent walls than others. How do you know which wall will work best for a particular interior space? Consider the following:
Does any wall in your room already stand out? For instance, it may be made of a different material, such as brick or wood. Or it may contain a fireplace and chimney.
Will the wall you choose receive enough light? This includes sunlight and artificial light from lamps and fixtures.
Are you choosing a wall that isn’t too cluttered? Accent walls don’t have to be entirely bare to stand out clearly. But they can’t be obscured by too many objects. An accent wall won’t produce the right effect if you’ve placed a lot of furniture in front of it or covered it in photos, posters, or paintings.
Your painter will be able to give you guidance based on a holistic evaluation of each space. From the angles of the walls to the material of the floors, you’ll understand how all the details in the room affect the paint you choose for your accent wall.
Searching “Painters Near Me”: Call on Trusted Painters
If you live in or around Rockford IL, reach out to us for gorgeous accent walls and other paint jobs.
Licensed and insured, we’ve been in business for over a decade. All of our workers are fully vetted and trained on updated painting methods, including the use of high-quality tools and effective techniques. They’ll treat your home with care and work on a schedule that’s convenient for you and your loved ones. You’ll enjoy a generous warranty, unparalleled customer service, and results that fulfill our promises, giving you complete satisfaction. When you contact us at 815-222-1938 or through our site, you’ll benefit from a thorough discussion of your needs and a free estimate. With our thoughtful advice and outstanding work, you’ll be able to take delight in each room in your home.